
Footers & Tank Removal at Jericho Road


Buffalo, NY


Jericho Road Community Health Center


4 Weeks

Project Overview

Westside Construction Group recently completed a complex project at Jericho Road Community Health Center. The project involved the removal of old front steps, excavation for new footers, installation of a larger water line, and the unexpected discovery and disposal of old chemical tanks. Despite these challenges, we successfully completed the project, ensuring the health center's infrastructure was upgraded and safe.

Project Details

  • Location: Buffalo, NY
  • Scope of Work: Removal of Old Steps, Excavation for New Footers, Installation of Water Line, Chemical Tank Removal

Project Objectives

The primary objectives of this project were to:

  1. Remove Old Front Steps: Safely demolish and remove the existing front steps to prepare for excavation.
  2. Excavate for New Footers: Dig down to pour new footers and allow for the installation of a larger water line.
  3. Install Larger Water Line: Facilitate the plumbers in installing a larger water line for the building.
  4. Remove Chemical Tanks: Safely remove and dispose of old chemical tanks discovered during excavation.

Challenges and Solutions

Removal of Old Steps

The existing front steps needed to be removed to access the area for new footers.

Solution: Our team carefully demolished and removed the old steps, ensuring minimal disruption to the surrounding structure and preparing the site for excavation.

Excavation and Installation of Footers

Excavating down to the necessary depth to pour new footers and facilitate the installation of a larger water line required precision.

Solution: We used advanced excavation equipment to dig down accurately, then poured the new footers according to engineering specifications, ensuring a solid foundation for the water line installation.

Discovery and Removal of Chemical Tanks

During excavation, we discovered old chemical tanks from the building's previous use as a manufacturing or laundry facility.

Solution: We immediately implemented safety protocols to handle and dispose of the chemical tanks safely. Our team coordinated with environmental specialists to ensure proper disposal, allowing the project to proceed without further delay.


  • Successful Step Removal: Safely removed the old front steps, preparing the site for further work.
  • Accurate Excavation and Footer Installation: Completed the excavation and poured new footers, providing a stable foundation for the water line.
  • Safe Removal of Chemical Tanks: Discovered and safely removed old chemical tanks, ensuring a safe environment for continued work.
  • Completed Project: Successfully facilitated the installation of a larger water line and completed all project objectives, enhancing the infrastructure of the health center.

Why Choose Westside Construction Group for Complex Construction Projects?

  • Expertise in Complex Projects: Our team has extensive experience handling multifaceted construction projects, ensuring reliable results.
  • Advanced Equipment: We utilize state-of-the-art equipment for precise excavation, demolition, and installation.
  • Commitment to Safety: Safety is our top priority. We follow strict protocols to protect our team, clients, and the environment.
  • Reliable and Efficient: Our dedication to client satisfaction ensures every project is completed on time and within budget.